4. Translate into English. .
1. Было очень холодно на прошлой неделе. 2. Я встретил их у моего друга дома.
3. Кто-нибудь звонил мне пока меня не было? 4. Мы не получили ее ответ вчера.
5. Я отправил вчера письма Моим друзьям. 6. У меня не было времени делать
эту работу. 7. Я читал этот журнал вчера. 8. Ему не понравился фильм. 9. Он
звонил тебе вчера? 10. Они провели каникулы в Лондоне. 11. я навестил
бабушку и дедушку на прошлой неделе. 12. Я разговаривал с ним вчера. 13. Я
починил свою машину в воскресенье, 14. Анна не
в школу, так как она простудилась. 15.
Почему она сказала об этом только вчера? 16. Она
выиграла соревнование. 17. Вчера мы вернулись
домой поздно. 18. Мы работали вместе несколько
лет. 19. Когда он уехал домой? 20. Мы нашли
много интересных книг в его библиотеке. 21. Она
Вспомнила его номер телефона. 22. Она ничего не
слышала. 23. Мы сели и попросили чашку кофе. 24.
Папа послал ее на почту чаc назад. 25. На прошлой
неделе он упал и повредил колено.
Надо перевести на англ в
Present Simple. Срочноо. Помогите. Пожалуйста ​


Ответ дал: nupellot

1. It was very cold last week.

2. I met them at my friend's house

3. Did anyone call me while I was gone?

4. We didn't receive her answer yesterday

5. I sent letters to my friends yesterday

6. I didn't have time to do this job

7. I read this magazine yesterday

8. He didn't enjoy the film

9. Did he call you yesterday?

10. They spent the holidays in London

11. I visited grandma and grandpa the last week

12. I was talking to him yesterday

13. I fixed my car at sunday

14. Ann didn't go to school because she was sick

15. Why did she only tell this yesterday

16. She won the competition

17. We came back home late yesterday

18. We worked together for a few years

19. When did he went home?

20. We found a lot of interesting books at his library

21.  She recalled his phone number

22. She didn't hear nothing

23. We sat and asked for a cup of coffee

24. Dad asked her to the post office an hour ago

25. Last week he fell and hurt his knee

Ответ дал: Nickinickinicki

It was cold last week

2. I met them in my friend's house

3. Did anyone call me when I was upset ?

4. We didn't receive her answer yesterday

5. I sent the letters to my friends yesterday

6. I didnt have time to do this work

7. I read this magazine yesterday

8. He didn't like the film.

9. Did he call you yesterday?

10. They spent their holidays in London

. 11. I visited grandparents last week.

12. I talked to him yesterday.

13. I repaired my car in Sunday

14. Ann didn't go to school because she had a cold


Why did she told about it only yesterday?

16. She won a competition

. 17. We came back home late yesterday

18. We worked together a couple years.

19. When did he go home?

20. We found many interesting books in his library

. 21. She remained his phone number

22. She didn't hear anything

23. We sat and asked for a cup of coffee

24. Futher sent her to Post an hour ago

25. He fell and broke his knee last week

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