Срочно!!!!! Put the adjective in the correct form.
1. This ruler is too short. I need a _______ one (long).
2. My dog is as ____ as yours (old).
3.This bike is very expensive. Have you got that is ____? (cheap)
4.In the ____ future we’ll leave this town (near).
5.I thought the test would be ______ than that one.(difficult)
6. St Petersburg is _______city in our country. (beautiful)
7.Adam is ______player in our team. (good)
8.The Mona Lisa is _____ painting in the world. (famous)
9. Jane’s composition was ____in the class.(good)
10. This oak is ______ tree in the park. (old)
11. My ____ brother is a bit _____ than me. (old, strong)
12. Her ____ book is very popular. And what is she writing now? (late)
13. Has she any _____ questions? (far)
14. The kids were in the _____ corner of the garden. (far)​


Ответ дал: nilufarintel


  1. longer
  2. old
  3. cheaper
  4. nearest
  5. more difficult
  6. most beautiful
  7. the best
  8. most famous
  9. the best
  10. the oldest
  11. elder, stronger
  12. latest
  13. further
  14. farthest
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