помогите с английским, дам 50б.​


nasstya46: помогите пжлст, очень нужно


Ответ дал: ekaterinatrunova


Объяснение:1. i like team both individual and sports.

2. both yoga and stretching give me energy in the morning.

3. as i child i both used to go surfing and waterskilling.

4. my favorite sport is both tennis and field hockey.

5. i`m nelther good at skateboarding and rollerskating.

6. either after school i go swimming or hang out mith friends.

7. i neither can ski and skate.

8. i`d either like to try skiing and snowboarding.

9. i neither have tried biathlon and watched it in TV.

10. i both have been to soccer hockey and matches.

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