1 Choose the correct answers, active or passive.
1 English and Arabic (teach/are taught at our school
2 What name (writes / is written) at the top of the page?
3 They (play/are played) tennis twice a week
4 Chocolate (makes/is made) from cocoa beans.
5 Why (do your dogs leave / are your dogs left) alone all day?
6 We (do / are done) the dishes every evening.
7 The Olympic Games (hold / are held) every four years.
8 Thousands of people (visit / are visited) the museum every day
9 In this hotel, meals (don't serve / aren't served) in guests
10 This program (watches / is watched) by millions of people.
11 l (allow / am allowed) to stay out late at weekends.
12 They (wear/are worn) sandals in the summer.


Ответ дал: destinystyle123
1. Are taught at our school. 2. is written. 3. play. 4.is made.5. do your dogs leave. 6. do. 7.are held. 8. visit. 9. aren’t served. 10.is watched. 11. allow. 12. wear.

danill86427: спатбо
destinystyle123: Всегда пожалуйста. )
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