7 Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)?
Correct the false ones.
Paragraph A
Watson was with other people on the top
of the hill
2. When he saw the hut his heart jumped
because he was scared.
Paragraph B
He was sure that the stranger was in the
Paragraph C
The things inside the hut showed Watson
Paragraph D
The piece of paper was a message for
Paragraph E
Watson relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful
Paragraph F
Watson was very worried because he
thought he was in danger
Paragraph G
The person at the door wasn't a stranger.​

ksleeya10: Дайте ответ пжж


Ответ дал: stt13


Watson was with other people on the top of the hill - False

When he saw the hut his heart ‘jumped’, because he was scared - False

He was sure that the stranger was in the hut – False

The things inside the hut showed Watson that someone lived there - True

The piece of paper was a message for Watson - False

Watson relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful evening – False

Watson was very worried because he thought he was in danger - True

The person at the door wasn’t a stranger - True

aigerimkanatadlet: С4 С4 С4 С4 С4 С4 С4 С4 С4 С4 С4 С4 С4
aigerimkanatadlet: Сосиски
raket2009: Тебя колбасит?
Аноним: Оо сосиски и жопа
Аноним: давай секс
foravenec779: АХАХАХАХ
foravenec779: правильно???)
Аноним: да
Аноним: хз писат
Аноним: достали
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