Английский , упражнение , помогите )
Найдите ошибки.
You don’t can go to the party.
He musts take his dog for a walk.
I can to help you.
He not must be late.
Can his brother speaks French?
Paul must to go there.
You don’t must smoke here.​


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

You can't go to the party.

He must take his dog for a walk.

I can help you.

He must not be late.

Can his brother speak French?

Paul must go there.

You must not smoke here.

Ответ дал: ukrainianguard7


в первом нужно не don't can, а can't

там надо не musts а takes

в третьем не надо писать to

в четвертом надо не not must а mustn't

в пятом не надо s в конце speak

в шестом не надо писать to

и в последнем надо не don't must а mustn't

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