Заполните пропуски правильным глаголом в прошедшем времени.
1. We __________ (choose) to go to the mall.
2. She __________(teach) English and History to the students.
3. We __________ (complete) the assignment on time.
4. Rita __________(speak) to the manager about the flaws in the organisation.
5. Becky ________(is) tall, fair and slim.
6. The dog_______(run) after the thief.
7. They _________(think) of travelling abroad.
8. She _________(remember) her past life.
9. He __________(faint) in the corridor.
10. Sarah and James _______ (consider) taking guitar classes.
11. The government ________(declare) lockdown.
12. The flights around the world were __________ (cancel).
13. I ________ (hop), ______(skip) and _________(jump) to school when I was a kid.
14. I ______(feed) the dog at the park.
15. She __________(book) my ticket to Sydney.
16. I _________(receive) a parcel from my cousin.
17. Becky and Meven __________(create) a new song.
18. Disney World was _____________(inaugurate) in America.
19. The flight had _________ (arrive) from Miami on time.
20. The housekeeper __________(clean) the room.
21. Jacob ________(deny) committing the crime.
22. The passengers __________ (survive) the terrible crash.
23. We _______ (close) the store at 6pm due to the new curfew timing.
24. President Macron _________(announce) the lockdown.
25. They waiter ___________(serve) some wine and snacks.
26. They _________ (tell) us about the new project.
27. She ______(throw) the garbage in the common kitchen.
28. The dancer ________(dance) on stage.
29. Pocahontas ________(is) a beautiful Indian princess.
30. The painter _______(paint) the portrait.


Ответ дал: justonegrib


1. chose

2. taught

3. completed

4. spoke

5. was

6. ran

7. thought

8. remembered

9. fainted

10. considered

11. declared

12. cancelled

13. hopped, skipped, jumped

14. fed

15. booked

16. received

17. created

18. inaugurated

19. arrived

20. cleaned

21. denied

22. survived

23. closed

24. announced

25. served

26. told

27. threw

28. danced

29. was

30. painted


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