Аnswers the questions
1) When is Christmas celebrated
in Europe?
2)Do Russians celebrate this holidays?When do they celebrate it?
3)Whose birthday is celebrated at
4)What country gave us the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree?
5)Who introcluced the traditional to decorate the Christmas tree in Russia?
6)When was custom of decorating Christmas trees with candles and present introduced into Britan?
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Ответ дал: MotherM0tgrr



1. On December 25. (Christmas)

2 They don’t celebrate Christmas. They celebrate New Year on December 31.

3 Birthday of Jesus Christ.

4 Germany gave us the tradition of decorating Christmas tree.

5 Tsar Peter I.

6 in 1848.

faridapazylova06: Спасибо
MotherM0tgrr: :)
kuptsova1307: там ещё продолжение есть
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