20 баллов

I. Find in the text the translation of the following word combinations:
1. страдать от стрессов 2. переедание 3. разрушать мозг 4. под влиянием алкоголя 5. избегать вредных привычек 6. преодолевать трудности 7. делать утреннюю зарядку 8. заниматься спортом 9. соблюдать режим дня 10. богатый белком

II. Answer the questions:
1. What problems do people have nowadays?
2. Why should a person be healthy?
3. What do people do to take care of their health? 4. Is overeating dangerous? Why?
5. What does healthy diet include?
6. Are modern diets harmful or useful?
7. What do you do to be healthy?


Ответ дал: timofeishester



1.suffer from stress

2.bringe eating

3.destroy the brain

4.under the influence of alcohol

5.avoid bad habits

6.overcome difficulties

7. do morning exercises

8.do exercise

9. observe the daily routine

10. rich in protein


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