Complete the sentences with the present simple
form of the verbs given.
1 We____(start) school at quarter to nine.
2 She_____(take) her dictionary to school
every day.
3. Не____(not do) homework at the weekend.
4 They_____(not watch) television before dinner.
5 I ____(clean) the board for the teacher
every day
6 Mrs Brown____(ask) difficult questions.
7 You____(not have) a break after lesson two.
8 My sister ____(study) two languages
at school.
9 They____(talk) about their favourite
subjects at break
10 We all____(stand) up for the headteacher!​


Ответ дал: esetovazhanna


1. start

2. takes

3. doesn't do

4. don't watch

5. clean

6. asks

7. don't have

8. studies

9. talk

10. stand

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