help me please

Пж помогите с английским​



Ответ дал: Soltysik


1. English is spoken all over the world by people.

2. The garden is cleaned every Sunday by her.

3. This room is used just for important meetings by them.

4. Milk is brought to our house every day by the milkman.

5. My room isn't tidied up by my mother.

6. Presents are bought for us every Christmas by Tom.

7. Money is not paid for using Internet by us.

8. His son is sometimes taken from school by him.

9. Turkish is not spoken in the classroom by students.

10. Letters are not written to my friend's by me, but e-mailes are usually sent by me.

11. Our car is washed at the weekends by my father.

12. My appointments are organised by my personal assistant.

13. A lot of homework is given us by our English teacher.

14. Microwave oven is used for heating food by us.


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