7. Make the sentences complete using Present Perfect or Present Perfect
Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. Thank you. I (read) your book. You can have it back.
2. Nelly, how long you (read) “Robin Hood"? 3. My
elder sister (cook) the pie since 10 and it is not ready
yet. 4. I (make) already the pie. Have you set the table,
dear? 5. Why are your hands dirty? I (work) in the
garden. I (make) two flowerbeds. 6. I never (be) to
Italy, but I always (want) to go there. 7. Oh, look! She
(drink) the whole bottle of milk. 8. Jack and John
(play) tennis for an hour and a half and they (play)
three games. 9. I am tired. I (wash) the dishes for the
whole evening. I am sorry, I (break) one plate. 10. Nick
is working on his computer. He (work) since 9. But
I (work, not) on it in my life.​


Ответ дал: nunny

7. Make the sentences complete using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1. Thank you. I (have read) your book. You can have it back.

2. Nelly, how long have you (been reading) “Robin Hood"?

3. My elder sister (has been cooking) the pie since 10 and it is not ready yet.

4. I have already made the pie. Have you set the table, dear?

5. Why are your hands dirty? I (have been working) in the garden. I (have made) two flowerbeds.

6. I have never (been) to Italy, but I have always (wanted) to go there.

7. Oh, look! She (has drunk) the whole bottle of milk.

8. Jack and John (have been playing) tennis for an hour and a half and they (have played) three games.

9. I am tired. I (have been washing) the dishes for the whole evening. I am sorry, I (have broken) one plate.

10. Nick is working on his computer. He (has been working) since 9. But I (have not worked) on it in my life.​

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