3 болымды, болымсыз, сұраулы сөйлем құрау​


Ответ дал: Skyline1526


I have mobile phone

I don’t have mobile phone

Do I have mobile phone?

Her daughter is beautiful

Her daughter isn’t beautiful

Is her daughter beautiful?

The policemen catch bad boys

The policemen don’t catch bad boys

Do the policemen catch the bad boys?

Ответ дал: gfghg32


I have mobile phone .

I don’t have mobile phone .

Do I have mobile phone?

Her daughter is beautiful .

Her daughter isn’t beautiful .

Is her daughter beautiful?

The policemen catch bad boys .

The policemen don’t catch bad boys .

Do the policemen catch the bad boys?


Skyline1526: что-нибудь свое можно было еще добавить, чтобы совсем не был похож на мой ответ ))
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