

Ответ дал: alins0414


1)Many novice vegetarians, after switching to plant foods, ask themselves the question "What should they eat if we exclude meat, fish and eggs and all industrial products derived from them from the menu?" Here's what. I offer a sample menu that is especially suitable for beginner vegetarians who have given up eating meat, fish and eggs. Included in the menu are several recipes and recommendations for lacto-vegetarians.

Vegetarian breakfast

Breakfast for vegetarians is a very important meal. Your energy depends on breakfast and how you will feel during the day. It is important to remember that the article talks about breakfast, which takes place around 6-7 am.

2)Get into the habit of doing something every day ...

Take a walk during phone calls ...

Fast Carbs 30 Minutes Before Workout ...

Keep a calendar ...

Don't want to get up off the couch, don't get up ...

Make a cool music compilation ...

Just 10 push-ups a day ...

Subscribe to the right people

3)The bad habits of young people, smoking, alcohol, drug addiction have become so firmly established in the life of a modern teenager that it becomes more and more difficult to fight them every year. The World Health Organization is actively fighting against smokers and drug addicts, some countries have passed laws on punishing smokers, have introduced bans on smoking in public places, and most importantly have introduced age restrictions. All this is valid in our country, only bans, as you know, only stir up interest and craving for bad habits.

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