помогите пожалуйста. Правило Present simple ​



Ответ дал: хХхДжагхед
Задание 1

1. You don’t take a taxi
2. They don’t read a books.
3. We don’t eat strawberries
4. I don’t get up at seven o’clock

2 задание

1. Do they drink juice in the morning?
2. Do you like cherries?
3. Do they take the bus every day?
4. Do you do your homework in the morning?

Ответы на данные вопросы

1. No, they don’t.
2. No, i don’t.
3. Yes, they do.
4. Yes, i do.

3 задание

1. The cat drinks milk
2. Brian buys books.
3. Dave plays football
4. Zoe takes the bus to school.
5. Corky eats ice cream.

Отрицательные формы

1. doesn’t drink
2. doesn’t buys
3. doesn’t play
4. doesn’t takes
5. doesn’t eat

Задание ниже

-s: stays, runs, swims, lives, eats, buys,
-es: does, washes, teaches
-ies: flies, studies.


musaevahadiza71: спасибо
хХхДжагхед: пожалуйста
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