5 упр
Надо написать про любого писателя зарубежного известного текст на английском,отвечая на эти вопросы
1.Кто он когда и где родился
2.что этот писатель написал
3 где он выступал,читал свои поэмы или рассказы
4.сколько людей прочитали его рассказы,их впечатления
на англ!
срочно, пожалуйста все точно,это Мини сочинение!



Ответ дал: aksolpanzapar80

Давайты сперва скажи вот ето Аянның идеясын сол туралы әңгіме бар потам я тебе скажу

Аноним: не поняла пиши на русском
aksolpanzapar80: Ок щя
aksolpanzapar80: Ты жы ответила на ететін вопрос про Аяна есть такой текст в книге на 6том классе ты там 235вопросу ответила а на 4вертую нет можыш сказать Аянның идеясын
Ответ дал: VotreAltesse


Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809 in Boston, the USA. He is known for his gothic-like macabre short stories such as "William Wilson", "Tell-tale heart" and "The Pit and the Pendulum". But his talent goes far beyond that. He is also a gifted poet and a literature critic.

Even though his works are famous for being rather dark, the real darkness Poe explores is human souls and their propensity to self-destruction.

But not only gothic-horror stories made him famous. Edgar Allan Poe invented the detective stories as we know it today. He also wrote satires and was a pioneer in science fiction.

His poem "The Raven" made him truly famous all around the US and Europe. It is a song of grief and mournful never-ending remembrance. A lot of Poe`s contemporaries set this poem as an example of what a real poem must be. Although Poe died in poverty, the legacy he left is truly great and immortal.

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