Из этих 12 слов нужно составить, 12 предложений с переводом.
last, pray, annual, important, activities, display, colourful, before, popular, rope, sell out, try.


Ответ дал: artiom983


Я напишу на английском, тебе останется вставить в переводчик, вот тебе и перевод:

1) He was the last one to finish.

2) He prays in church every Sunday

3) They spent their annual holiday on a yacht in the Carribbean.

4) I liked the activities we were given.

5) My phone's display was broken.

6) The painting was colourful

7) Before coming here I used to live in Russia

8) I became popular after posting this video

9) A coil of rope lay on the beach.

10) It was easy to sell your bike.

11) He went out in order to get some ice cream.

12) There is nothing bad in trying

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