Помогите с английским, пожалуйста



Ответ дал: MolkyWay


1) lived

2) stayed

3) opened

4) studied

5) ended

6) washed

7) finished, closed

8) played

9) answered

10) talked


в 4) "y" меняется на "ie", так как перед "y" стоит согласный звук

anonim5131: Так тут же вопросы нужно задать, нет разве?
Ответ дал: anonim5131

1. We didn't wait for you. 2. The girl didn't clean the house. 3. They didn't work in the morning. 4. She didn't promise to help. 5. I didn't listen to music. 6. She didn't wash the cups and the plates.

1. Did he live in this city many years ago? 2. Did we stay in that hotel? 3. Did my friends study at my school? 5. Did the end the lesson at that moment? 6. Did she wash her hands before dinner? 7. Did the students finish reading and close the books? 8. Did they play any games yesterday? 9. Did he answer all the questions correctly at our lesson? 10. Did boys talk at the lesson?

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