Помогите с английским, пожалуйста.

(Завершите предложения, выбирая правильные формы глаголов
(Настоящее, Прошлое или Простое Будущее).)

1. Some students do/did very little work nowadays.
2. As for my friends they work/worked very hard at school.
3. Where does/will your brother study when he leaves school? - He enters/will enter our University.
4. Where do/did you parents study when they were young?
Do/Did they work then? - They study/studied in Moscow. My Dad
works/worked on a part-time basis and my Mum looks/looked after the
5. When I enter/will enter the University I do/will do my best
and work hard.
6. Where is your Mum? - My Mum have/has full time
job so she usually come/comes home late but she come/comes/will
come in half an hour. - And what do/does she do/does? - She
teach/teaches English at the University.
7. What do/will you do tomorrow? - I write/will write a test.
8. Why did/do you skip lectures yesterday? I worked/work yesterday.
9. When does/will the term start? It starts/will start in September.


Ответ дал: nimpheliad
1 do
2 work
3 will;will
4 did; did; studied; worked; looked
5 will enter; will
6 has;comes; will come; does she do; teaches
7 will you do; will write
8 did; worked
9 will; will start
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