Раскройте скобки и вставьте в предложения конструкцию be going to.
1. My dad’s got a new job in London. We (move) there in July.
2. I (visit) France next month. My mum’s already bought our tickets.
3. Would you like cola or orange juice? I (have) cola,please.
4. He (go) to Paul’s house on Saturday to watch a film.
5. I think she (go) swimming. Do you want to come?
6. I (see) a film with Andy and Jill. What about you?
7. It (rain) tomorrow.
8. They (be) late tonight.


Ответ дал: maharramm2008


1)My dad's got a new job in London.We are going to move there in July.

2)I am going to visit France next month.My mum's already bought our tickets.

3)Would you like cola or orange juice?I am going to have cola,please.

4)He is going to go Paul's house on Saturday to watch a film.

5)I think she is going to go swimming.Do you want to come?

6)I am going to see a film with Andy and Jill. What about you?

7)It is going to rain tomorrow.

8)They are going to be late tonight.

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