Look at the pictures. Which shows:
1a couple on their wedding day?
2a man ordering his guards to arrest another man?
3а man riding away on a horse?
4a group of men stopping a man on 5a horse?
6men gathered around a fire?
7a man with a green hood holding a bow and arrow


Ответ дал: galina572319


Ex. 2, p. 78.

Look at the pictures. Which shows:

A couple on their wedding day?  -   1-E

A man ordering his guards to arrest another man? Мужчина приказывает своим охранникам арестовать другого мужчину  -  2 – C

A man riding away on a horse? -   3-A

A group of men stopping a man on a horse? -   4 - D

Men gathered around a fire?   -    5 – B  

A man with a green hood holding a bow and arrow?  -    6 - B

(Мужчина с зелёным капюшоном, с луком и стрелами)

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