"Nature reserves around the world"

2 - Click the most appropriate option.

1 Can ____ help John with maths?

2 It was a boring day. ___ interesting happened.

3 You can ask ___ if you can't find the way.



Ответ дал: zevelina24082006


Can  anybody help John with maths?

It was a boring day.  Nothing interesting happened.

You can ask  somebody if you can't find the way.


indo47: ага спасибо
theymohety: 3) True, False, True
theymohety: 4) anything, something, nobody
theymohety: 5) 1-2, 2-3, 3-1
indo47: уже кагбы поздно
theymohety: это КАК-БЫ для других
theymohety: 6) False, True, Not given
Аноним: 6 не правильно
theymohety: у меня было правильно
Аноним: а у меня нет
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