Add prefixes to make the negative of
the adjectives in the box. Then
complete the sentences with the
organized legal fair respectful possible
responsible common
1 It was — to punish him. It was an accident.
2 You shouldn't wear shorts in church. It's
3 You can't find anything. You're so
4 His writing is to read.
5 It's — to drive a car without a licence.
6 It's — to see people in top hats these days.
7 It was of you to leave your bag in the car.​


Ответ дал: KathyGFD

1 It was UNFAIR to punish him. It was an accident.

2 You shouldn't wear shorts in church. It's DISRESPECTFUL.

***3 You can't find anything. You're so DISORGANIZED. Есть ещё вариант UNORGANIZED. О человеке обычно говорят disorganized.

4 His writing is IMPOSSIBLE to read.

5 It's ILLEGAL to drive a car without a licence.

6 It's UNCOMMON to see people in top hats these days.

7 It was IRRESPONSIBLE of you to leave your bag in the car.

**3 Longman Dictionary: someone who is disorganized is very bad at arranging or planning things:

He’s an extremely disorganized person.

KathyGFD: Longman Dictionary: someone who is disorganized is very bad at arranging or planning things:
He’s an extremely disorganized person.
KathyGFD: К предложению номер 3 дополнение, на случай дискуссий.
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