Billy was getting excited. It was the day of the circus!
Billy loved the circus all the animals and the people.
It was so much 12
At eight o'clock Billy and his 13
arrived at
the huge red and white striped tent called the Big
Top'. Then the lights went up to the top of the tent
poand Billy 14
a man and a woman dressed in
sparkly clothes balancing on a 15 swing. They
flew through the air. 'Ooooo!' shouted the people every
po 2012 que
time they flew. It was very, very 16
1. huge very
2. parents
3. flew
4. fun
5. joke
6. exciting
7. saw​


Ответ дал: SBX15


12 - fun

13 - parents

14 - saw

15 - very huge

16 - exciting


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