Read the conversation and complete the questions and answers.Use the Present Continuous or going to and the verbs in brackets. ( ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУСТО )!!Это очень срочно за ранее спасибо !
1) I......(go) jn the school summer sports camp in Wales . I have already booked plase .
2) Oh,greate! So when......(leave)?
3)We.......(leave) on July 21st.
That is really soon! When
.........(start ) packing?
4)Not yet! I.......................(buy)some new clothes for the holiday on Saturday .
5) And what sports .........(do) ?
6) I`m not sure yet .I like footballnbut I......(not/think)about school work at all !


Ответ дал: КейтПарр
1) am going
2) are you leaving
3) are leaving | are you going to start
4) am going to buy
5) are you going to do
6) am not going to think
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