1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Present Perfect or in the Present Perfect Passive
1) We (already/learn) the Passive Voice.
2) My test (already/check) by the teacher.
3) The artist (draw) a picture of sunset yesterday.
4) My friend (lose) his last competition.
5) He (play) football for three years.
6) The TV set (switch off) just.
7) David (include) in our team since Monday
8) Running competitions (hold) since ancient times.
9) 1(not/travel) to Scotland last two years ago
10) He (not/do) his homework yet.​


Ответ дал: aibektoktybay


маган да керек бауып бериндерши

Ответ дал: alibizami647
We already the passive voice
My test check by the teacher
The artist draw a picture of sunset yesterday

Аноним: а дальше?
alibizami647: Я дальше не понел
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