Помогите написать по английскому языку, пожалуйста.


Аноним: 4. When father came home, Pete was sleeping.
Аноним: 5. When mother came home, the children were playing on the carpet.
Аноним: 6. When I got up, my mother and father were drinking tea.
Аноним: 7. When I came to my friend's place, he was watching TV.
Аноним: 8. When I saw my friends, they were playing football.
Аноним: 9. When I opened the door, the cat was sitting on the table.
Аноним: 10. When Kate opened the door, the children were dancing round the fir-tree.
Аноним: Надеюсь помогла)
marikalavlinskaya: Спасибо большое!
Аноним: Не за что)


Ответ дал: maiev2021


2. came, was playing

3. came, was doing

4. came, was sleeping

5. came, were playing

6. got, were drinking

7. came, was watching

8. saw, were playing

9. opened, was sitting

10. opened, were dancing


past continuous образуется в утверждениях: Подлежащее+was/were+глагол с окончанием -ing

was для I, he, she, it (ед. ч)

were для you, we, they (множ. ч)

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