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Ответ дал: pipyka52


1)Aldar-Kosse watched the Creator carefully.

2)The steppe stretched across Kazakhstan.

3)Mountains, lakes, forests and rivers fell out from the sack and landed in Kazakhstan.

4) The Creator kept all the treasures in a sack.

5) Aldar-Kosse made a hole in the Creator's sack.

ulianawiktorowna: можешь еще 3 написать? Пожалуйста...(
pipyka52: попробую:)
pipyka52: 1.Because the Creator left the people only a huge steppe that stretched across the country.

2.Because he didn't like to see people unhappy.

3.He asked for mountains to be given to the people.

4.The Creator stored resources in a sack.

5.Quietly, Aldar-Kosse crept up to the sack and made a in rest of the treasures fell out mountains, forests, and fish and visitors animals, too. They landed Kazakhstan, right in the middle the empty steppe.

Я это нашла, ок
pipyka52: просто текста нет
ulianawiktorowna: Спасибо! :>
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