Допишите вопросы и ответы.
......they got f cake?-yes,............
......he take the cake?-yes,............

......theckes in thebag?-yes,............
......the cake nice ?-yes,............

......he got a box?-yes,............


Ответ дал: Nina108
..Have....they got a cake?-yes,.......they have.....
...Did...he take the cake?-yes,.he did...........
Are......the cakes in the bag?-yes,.....they are.......
.Is.....the cake nice ?-yes,...it is.........
..Has....he got a box?-yes, he has............
Ответ дал: Milana180902
Have they got a cake?- yes, they've got; Did he take the cake?- yes, he did; are there the cakes in the bag?- yes, there are; is the cake nice?- yes, it is; has he got a box?- yes, he has got
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