Дайте краткие ответы
1. Is the elephant eating bananas now ?
2. Are you picking flowers at the moment?
3. Is your mother snoring now?
4. Are your teacher smiling when you laugh?
5. Is a baby crying when he wants to eat?
6. Is your dog flying?
7. Are the children sleeping at 9 o'clock?
8. Are your parents working all week?
9. Is your brother studying English this year?
10. Are your grandparents working in the garden all summer?


Ответ дал: Изумрудная000Звезда

1. No, it isn’t

2. No, i am not

3. Yes, she is

4. Yes, she is

5. Yes, he is

6. No, it isn’t

7. No, they aren’t

8. No, they aren’t

9. Yes, he is

10. Yes, they are

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