Найди и исправь грамматическую ошибку в предложении. В поле "правильный ответ" записать ИСПРАВЛЕННОЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ. ПЕРВОЕ СЛОВО ПИШИ С БОЛЬШОЙ БУКВЫ! НЕ ЗАБУДЬ ПРО ЗНАКИ ПРЕПИНАНИЯ! Отрицательные формы сокращать. В исходном предложении ничего не менять! ТОЛЬКО ИСПРАВИТЬ ОШИБКУ.
Go you to the office every day?
What time the film starts?
How much do these apples costs?
How many eggs you want for breakfast?
Charlie play tennis, but he doesn't enjoy it.
My car don't work when it is cold.
What Sue usually have for lunch?
What do your father do?
I not write many letters.
Do the train stop at every station?


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

Do you go to the office every day?

What time does the film start?

How much do these apples cost?

How many eggs do you want for breakfast?

Charlie plays tennis...........

My car doesn't work when it is cold.

What does She usually have for lunch?

What does your father do?

I don't write many letters.

Does the train stop at every station?

Ответ дал: saviigor07



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