1 He hasn't got ........................ sisters.
a) some b) any c) no
2 These are my friends. ........................ names are Pete and Rob.
a) His b) Her c) Their
3 He's got ........................ nice photos of Suzie.
a) a lot b) some c) any
4 Katie and Rita are
a) Jade's sisters b) Jade's sister c) Jades sister's
5 I live in……………………..village near Bristol.
a) a small b) the small c) small
6 She always sleeps in
a) an afternoon b) the afternoon c) afternoon
7 She goes dancing………………………………….
a) once the week b) one time a week c) once a week
8 .We…………………………..swimming yesterday.
a) go b) going c) went
9 .There ........................ good magazines in the shop.
a) were some b) were any c) was some
10 ...............good ice-cream at the supermarket?
a) Were there any b) Were there some c) Was there any
11 this green jacket?
a) Who's b) Whose is c) Who is
12 ……………………….she out last Saturday?
a) Is b)Went c) Was
13 films do you see a month?
a) How many b) How often c) How much
14 There.................hot food in the kitchen.
a) are some b) is some c) is any
15 We've got........................of good ideas.
a) some b) any c) a lot
16 .In football, you........................hit the ball with your head.
a) can b) can't c) have to
17 time does your homework take?
a) How many b) How much c) How long
18 I do……………………….exercise- every day.
a) any b) much c) some
19 You........................use your mobile phone on the plane.
a) haven't to b) don't have to c) can't
20 She……………………..wear white clothes for tennis.
a) can't b) hasn't to c) doesn't have to


Ответ дал: ЯрИкЧО


1 any

2 their

3 some

4 jade`s sisters

5 a small

6 the afternoon

7 once a week

8 went

9  were some

10 Was there any

11 Whose is

12 was

13 How many

14 is some

15 a lot

16 can

17 How much

18 some

19 can`t

20 doesn't have to

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