Напишите пропущенные слова:
1)I can't turn on the TV - I can't find her r_____ c____
2)There isn't a p____ on my bed.
3) We want a room with a d____ bed.
4) Excuse me? There aren't any t____, and I want to have a shower.
5) You can leave your car in the c____ p____.​

Bloorysnake: есть ли какие-то наводки? четвёртое в голову не лезет =)
kukudash777: Есть пример; I want to do some exercise. Is there a *gym* in this hotel?


Ответ дал: SpongeBober77


1)remote control




5)car park


3 незнаю сори(

SpongeBober77: А вспомнил 3)desk
Ответ дал: Bloorysnake
  1. I can't turn on the TV — I can't found her remote controller (пульт).
  2. There isn't a pillow (подушка) on my bed.
  3. We want a room with a doublе (двуспальная) bed.
  4. Excuse me? There aren't any tubs (ванны)* and I want to have a shower.
  5. You can leave your car in the car park (автостоянка)

*другим пользователем предложен вариант towels полотенца, что вполне вероятно.

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