ДАЮ 35 БАЛЛОВ. Раскройте скобки и запишите глаголы в Present Perfect
1. They (to work) today.
2. The doctor and her patient just ( to talk).
3. We alredy ( to cook) dinner. My mother just ( to make) a salad.
4. A young man never (to drive) a car.
5. I ( to read) a book right.
6.He ( to listen) music presently.
7. She (to sing).
8. My friend ever (to be) in London.
9. His brothers (to play) football lately.
10. My grandfather flowers in the gaden this moning.


Ответ дал: stanislava347


1. They have worked

2. The doctor and her patient just have talked

3. We already cooked dinner. My mother just made a salad.

4. A young man never had driven a car

6. He had listened

7. She had sung

8. My friend has ever been

9. His brother had played

taiana07: Дуже багато помилок
Ответ дал: taiana07
1. They have worked today.
2. The doctor and her patient have just talked.
3. We have already cooked dinner. My mother has just made a salad.
4. A young man has never driven a car.
5. I have read a book right.
6. He has listened music presently.
7. She has sung.
8. My friend has never been in London.
9. His brothers have played football lately.
10. My grandfather has watered flowers in the garden this morning.
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