ВСЕ ОТВЕТЫ на урок "Protect our planet"

1: 1 = 3, 2 = 1, 3 = 2,

2: 1 - cleaning devices,
2 - habitat,
3 - to save

3: 1 - False, 2 - False, 3 - True

4: 1 - In modern society, people have begun to forget that the planet Earth is our home.
2 - The first problem is the pollution of the environment with industrial waste.
3 - To conclude, I can say that every person needs to do something to save the Earth.

5: 1= 2, 2 = 3, 3 = 1

6: ????

7: 1 - Nowadays,
2 - Firstly,
3 - Secondly,
4 - To sum up,

8: 1 - Paragraph 2,
2 - Example,
3 - Conclusion

9: ????​


Ответ дал: doshigg


ого,спасибо за ответы))0)0)0))

ivanovanadejda212: а шо в девятом?
ColdSnapdragon: 6) 1.False 2.True 3.Not given
doshigg: дааа
ColdSnapdragon: 9) 1.home 2.devices 3.habitat
ColdSnapdragon: Nadeus pomog :D
doshigg: ochen' :D
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