Complete the sentences. Use the PAST SIMPLE or PRESENT PERFECT form of the verbs in brackets.
_______ you ________ (see) Richard at the cinema last night?
I _______________ (not watch) this programme for years. It's great!
He _______________ (not hear) from Fiona since her family moved to Brazil.
My mum _______________ (bake) a fantastic birthday cake at the weekend.


Ответ дал: anastasiyaminaeva290


1) Did you see Richard at the cinema last night?

2) I haven't watched this programme for years. It's great!

3) He hasn't heard from Fiona since his family moved to Brazil.

4) My mum bakes a fantastic birthday cake at the weekend.

anastasiyaminaeva290: 4) baked*
gaukharsarymsakova: огромное спасибо!
anastasiyaminaeva290: всегда рада помочь, удачи!
Ответ дал: samstv10122018


1Did... See

2 have watched

3 haven't... heard

4 baked

gaukharsarymsakova: спасибо! Очень помогли
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