Thinking : cover the story. Put the sentences in the right order.
a Suddenly, something jumps from behind
a big rock. 9
b Nanny visits her sister on her birthday. 1
c They find a big footprint inside the cave.
d He's a diver.
e They both scream.
f They go for a walk on the beach. 3
g They walk into a big cave.​

moldirmadi913: писмо мен 3 тапсырманы мумкин болса жазып бере аласыз ба


Ответ дал: jkjune95


1. Nanny visits her sister on her birthday.

2. They go for a walk on the beach.

3. They walk into a big cave.

4. They find a big footprint inside the cave.

5. Suddenly, something jumps from behind a big rock. They both screamed.

6.He is a diver.


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ahahahovaadia: спс
Aae09: спс
aluaesimhanova123: cnc
hamary526: спосибо огромное тебе
sadykovaellina1488: Бл чел в объяснениях дабаёб как он сделает лучше
elenamordvina: спс вы лучшие
mgauxar1985: спс болшое
sheg4443: ета не пжб
sheg4443: (・o・)
kbatyrgozhina: спс
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