6. Choose the correct options.

1. When she cleaned / was cleaning the cupboards, she found/was finding her ring.

2. While he cycled / was cycling home, he saw an accident 3. It started / was starting to snow when I walked /was walking home.

4. He drove /was driving very fast when the accident happened / was happening 5. When / walked /was walking into the room, they talked /were talking about politics,

6. As I walked / was walking down the street, I saw/was seeing my neighbor.

7. While the children played / were playing football, they saw/was seeing a couple of airplanes in the sky

8. When Anna arrived / was arriving at the party, the guests danced/ were dancing 9. As Kaniet worked / was working in his garden, his grandchildren came /was coming.​



Ответ дал: justonegrib


1. was cleaning, found

2. was cycling

3. started, was walking

4. was driving, happened

5. walked, were talking

6. was walking, saw

7. were playing, saw

8. arrived, were dancing

9. was working, came


dan5991: спасибо
nurzamalnurzamal82: dan5991 маған падписок болшы өтініш
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