Object pronouns and Present simple spelling rules

1. - Who's this big present for?
- It's for ___. It's my birthday!
2. - Are you good at climbing?
- No i'm very bad at ___!
3. - Is Mrs Patel nice?
- Yes, she's our favourite teacher. She often
speaks to ___ after class.
4. - Hassan's friendly boy.
- Yes, i like ___.
5. - Have you got any sweets?
- No, I don't eat ___.
6. - Who's that woman?
- That's Mrs Hill. I live near ___.
7. - Mr Evans, I haven't got my homework today.
- Im not happy with ___, David!
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Ответ дал: ggggRtsd
1. Me .2. This 3. Our 4. Him . 5.yet¿ 6. Her .7 that
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