Complete the following tag - questions.
1.They will come later,
2.She sings well,
3.He can't swim,
4.You play the piano,
5.It is cool today,
6.You don't smoke,
7.They haven't been on holiday,
8.He likes ice cream
9.She went to the USA
10.We knew the story
11.He hasn't been to London.
Даю 10 балов


Ответ дал: Аноним
won’t they? does she? can he? isn’t it? do you? have they? does he? did she? did we? has he?

Аноним: 2. Doesn’t she*
Аноним: 4. Don’t you*
Аноним: 8. Doesn’t he*
Аноним: 9. Didn’t she*
Аноним: 10. Didn’t we*
Аноним: Прости, спешила. Исправь.
yulyagalpinpac: спасибо огромное
Аноним: На здоровье, исправь 2, 8,9,10
И я пропустила 4, так что его тоже напиши.
Вас заинтересует