1.Complete the sentences using Past Continuous:
1. When I came home yesterday... . 2. When the telephone rang ... . 3. When I entered the University today... . 4. When we arrived in Moscow (Omsk, etc.) .... 5. When the dean came .... 6. When I saw my friend (my groupmate) .... 7. When they (my parents, my grandparents) got married ... .8. While she (my mother, my sister, my friend, etc.) was cooking ... . 9. While I was finishing my homework ... .10. While the students were passing the test the teacher....
2.Use Past Indefinite or Past Continuous:
1. When the taxi (to arrive) I still (to pack) my things. 2. What you (to do) in the evening yesterday? — I (to watch) TV and my wife (to wash up). 3. I (to do) all the exercises while you (to smoke). 4. Mr. Brown, where you (to be) when they (to drive) your car at midnight? 5. When the clock (to strike) nine she (to run) up the stairs to her office because the lift (not to work). 6. He (to stand) and (to watch) while the boys (to fight). 7. She (to wear) a marvellous new dress at the party and (to look) fantastic! 8. He (to wait) for her for an hour but she never (to come). 9. When the telephone (to ring) I (to bake) a cake and (to ask) Mary who (to do) nothing at the moment to answer the call. 10. Why you (not to attend) the lecture on Saturday? Professor В. (to speak) about UFO and other mysterious objects.


Ответ дал: DILLER666
1. ...his sister was doing her homework
2. ...I was taking a show
3. ...they were talking about Mark
4. ...everybody was sleeping
5. ...the murderer was crying
6. ...she was smiling
7. ...their parents were crying
8. ...her child fell
9. ...my brother started to play with out cat
10. ...the police entered the building
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