60 баллов. Будущее время. Исправить ошибки.
1. That looks heavy. I help you.
That looks heavy. ____you.
2. I'll play at a music festival this weekend._____ at a music festival this weekend.
3. He's playing really badly. There's no way he's winning this match.
He's playing really badly. There's no way_____this match.
4. I'll meet Charlie and Anna later.______Charlie and Anna later.
5. Let's not go to that beach. I think it's too full of tourists today.
Let's not go to that beach. I____too full of tourists today.
6. I'll start piano lessons on Monday. I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm_____piano lessons on Monday. I'm really looking forward to it.
7. I think it won't rain today.
I____rain today.
8. Ask her! I'm sure she isn't minding.
Ask her! I'm sure she____.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. That looks very heavy. (1) I will help you.

2. (2) I am playing at a music festival this weekend.

3. He's playing really badly. There's no way he (3) will win this match.

4. (4) I am meeting /going to meet Charlie and Anna later.

5. Let's not go to that beach. I think (5) it will be too full of tourists today.

6.  (6) I am starting piano lessons on Monday. I'm really looking forward to it.

7. (7) I don't think it will rain today.

8. Ask her! I'm sure she (8) won't mind.

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