It was like something from a sci-fi film. In 2007, a
spacecraft sent to Mars by the American space 1) ....
(agent) NASA photographed something that looked like
a large gorilla-like creature. As the image seemed to
show a figure with arms and legs walking down a hillside,
it led to 2) ..... (compare) with the legendary Bigfoot.
However, there was a much more 3) ..... (science)
explanation. NASA insisted that the photo showed 4).
(mere) a feature of the 5) .... (rock) Martian landscape.
They said it was in fact a stone that had been carved by
the wind. What's more, this Bigfoot was a 6).....
(surprise) smaller one - at just 5 cm tall!


Ответ дал: nunny

It was like something from a sci-fi film. In 2007, aspacecraft sent to Mars by the American space 1) (agency) NASA photographed something that looked like a large gorilla-like creature. As the image seemed to show a figure with arms and legs walking down a hillside, it led to 2)  (comparison) with the legendary Bigfoot. However, there was a much more 3)  (scientific) explanation. NASA insisted that the photo showed 4). (merely) a feature of the 5)  (rocky) Martian landscape. They said it was in fact a stone that had been carved by the wind. What's more, this Bigfoot was a 6) (surprisingly) smaller one - at just 5 cm tall!

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