Type one of the conjunctions: if, as soon as, till, until, before, when to
complete the sentences
Пример-I'll come to you (when) my classes are over.
1 We shan't go skiing ___
it is very cold tomorrow.
2 They will phone you ___
they arrive home.
3 He won't go to work ___
he is ill.
4 Jane will stay here ___
her sister comes back
5 I'm sure I'll finish my job ___
you are at home.
6 Please write to me ___
you can
7 They will live in Canada ___
autumn comes​


Ответ дал: amraevadina2006


1. when

2. if  

3. as soon as  

4. if

5. untill  

6. before  

7. as soon as  


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