20 БАЛЛОВ!!!


Vladislavashamanina0: Past simple and Present simple
Vladislavashamanina0: если настоящее то нужно написать если (I, you, we, they) have/ (He, she, it) has Ved (V3) V-это глагол если что
Vladislavashamanina0: В настоящем времени важен результат а не время


Ответ дал: komaljonovadiyara


1.We have not wreaten any English tests this month

2.My grandma has visited 15 counties in her life

3.I ate pizza for lunch yesterday

4.They haven't read an interesting book last week

5.My dad has swam in the Pacific ocean in 1995

6.Have you ever played rugby?

7.Mr Mandzelowski tought at our scool since 1999

8.I'm thirsty.did not drank anythyng today.

9.She has seen a penguin in a zoo last august

10.They're very proud because they climb Mount Everest.

Vladislavashamanina0: ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО
Vladislavashamanina0: правильно только 3 и 6 все остальное не верно :(
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