GRAMMAR present perfect

Write sentences with the present perfect and the words in bold.

1 you / read / Elizabeth is Missing? It’s fantastic!


2 my brother / decide / to get a new job. He isn’t very happy at work.


3 I / not study / for the exam. I didn’t have time.


4 they / see / the film, but they didn’t like it.


5 he / not answer / my email. Perhaps he’s on holiday.


6 you / call / your brother? It’s his birthday today.



Ответ дал: wavesss


1) Have you read "Elizabeth is Missing"? It's fantastic!

2) My brother has decided to get a new job. He isn't very happy at work.

3) I haven't studied for the exam. I didn't have time.

4) They have seen the film, but they didn't like it.

5) He hasn't answered my e-mail. Perhaps he's on holiday.

6) Have you called your brother? It's his birthday today.

laurakulymbaj: рахмет ❤️
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