1. in pairs, look at the photos and answer the
• What kind of schools do you think these are?
• What sort of school is more popular in your
• Do you think that girls and boys should go to
separate schools? Why? Why not?
2 Read the essay. In pairs, answer the questions.
1 Does the writer mention any of your opinions
from Exercise 1?
2 What is the writer's personal opinion?
3 What is the tone of the essay? Choose the
best answer.
• formal and controlled
• emotional and moralistic
• informal and personal
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Ответ дал: nilufarintel


  • 1.
  • In the first photo I see that boys and girls study together. It is a mixed school. In the second photo I see only boys, it means that it is a single - sex school.
  • Mixed schools are popular in my country.
  • I don't think that boys and girls should study separately. Mixed schools help them to adapt to changing conditions when they get older and create cultural and social advantages that can last for a lifetime. This form of education promotes opportunities for socialization.
  • 2.
  • The writer mentions my opinion when he describes advantages of mixed schools.
  • The writer thinks that if girls and boys study separately they would have difficulties in understanding each other.
  • The tone of the essay is emotional and moralistic.
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