Ребята,нужна ваша помощь!

*Complete the gaps with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive using the verbs in brackets.*

2.Name three national sport games that ____in our country (play)
3.Name three legends that____in our country. (tell)
4.Name three historical buildings that ______in our country.(build)
5.Name three national drinks that ____in our country. (drink)
6.Name three popular TV programs that ____in our country. (watch)
7.Name three animals that ____in our country.(find)
8.Name three books by Chyngyz Aitmatov that ____into films. (make)


Ответ дал: Decoration

2.Name three national sport games that are played in our country.

3.Name three legends that are told in our country.  

4.Name three historical buildings that were built in our country.

5.Name three national drinks that are drunk in our country.  

6.Name three popular TV programs that are watched in our country.  

7.Name three animals that were found in our country.

8.Name three books by Chyngyz Aitmatov that were made into films.

anara2910: СПАСИБО!Я так и предполагала.Как Вам поставить лучший ответ?
Decoration: Через 24 часа будет доступна функция.
anara2910: Я обязательно поставлю
anara2910: Я никак не пойму,как же Вам лучший ответ поставить.У меня корона не выскакивает.
anara2910: Мне хочется свое слово сдержать
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