помогите !

Ex.5.read the sentence and fill in the gaps:

1. During the storm, _________is followed by a clap of thunder.

2. The river overflowed and the town had to cope with a _____________.

3. Because of the heavy _________ the grass was wet.

4. You can’t see the moon and the stars now because the sky is _________.

5. In summer a spell of very _______ and ______ weather usually ends with a


6. I can’t say that it is to cold outside but it is rather ________ you’d better put on your


7. You can’t sit on the grass it’s still _______ after the rain.

8. The temperature has fallen down and the roads are so _______ that it’s dangerous to


9. When it rains hard but for a short period of time we call it ________ .

10. Water freezes at zero degrees_________ but at 32 degrees _________ .

11. There will be plenty of _______ in the mountains and Nick will return with a fine tan

12. I can’t say that it was really raining, it was _____ but we got wet all the same.

13. Ancient people did not know any other way of _______ the weather than watching the

behavior of animals and birds.

(Flood, sultry, drizzle, chilly, wet, hot, dew, icy, cloudy, shower, lightning, sunshine, to forecast, Fahrenheit, Celcius)


Ответ дал: svetafinchenko

Ответ:1 lighting 2flood 3 dew 4cloudy 5 hot and sultry 6 chilly 7 wet 8 icy 9 shower 10 celcius/Fahrenheit 11 sunshine 12 drizzle 13 forecast


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