Переробіть речення, використовуючи Passive voice.
1. Nobody has taken notice of this little boy.
2. He has just proposed to her.
3. We have already given him all the money.
4. They have just shown me a new magazine.
5. Mother has promised the boy a new toy.
6. Nobody has told me the news yet.
7. They had sent you the invitation the week before.
8. They have recommended me several articles on that problem.
9. Someone had taught him French before.
10. We arrived home from holiday to find someone had burgled our house.
11. Mr. Taylor was furious with a newsagent because he hadn’t delivered his Sunday newspaper.


Ответ дал: pashabohkoh

Notice of this little boy has been taken by nobody.

She has been proposed by him.

all the money have been given to him by us.

A new magazine have been shown me by them.

A new toy has been promised the boy by his mother.

The news hasn't been told me yet.

The invitation had been sent you by them the week before.

several articles on that problem have been recommended by them.

French had been taught him by someone.

We arrived home from holiday to find our house had been burgled by someone.

Mr. Taylor was furious with a newsagent because his Sunday newspaper hadn’t been delivered by him.

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